1. Unique account
You can make your 4shared account look unique and exclusive uploading your personal background images
or wallpapers. This is super easy to do and any 4shared user can do that.
2. Your promotion
New background layouts is one of the steps to make your account unique. Making your account look unusual
will help to attract more 4shared users to it if you want to promote yourself or your arts, photography,
music, video, etc.
3. Fans and contacts
4shared is an easy and convenient way to promote any of your deals and gain necessary fans and contacts.
4. Exclusive background
Choose exclusive backgrounds to your 4shared account and feel unique. You can show your mood, musical
tastes or political views with your opinions. Everything to be unique.
ประสบการณ์ที่น่าชื่นชม :
Maryline, 22 “
I really love 4shared’s customized backgrounds. I often change my background photos to
reflect my mood or simply to cheer up!”
Cathy, 34 “
I’m an artist and often upload as a backgrounds to my 4shared accounts my pictures which
makes my account really unique.”