Photo sharing becomes easy and cool thing with 4shared. 4shared users can create their personal photo
albums at 4shared. This feature is available if you set photos preview in the folders that contain them.
4shared also allows:
to view photos as a slide show;
zoom photos;
rate photos;
comment photos.
This features are accessible by the owner of the account or by other users who have access to the photos.
Online photo album at 4shared is very convenient. You can upload view and of course share photos. You
don’t need to organize photo presentations with special applications, just organize your photos as you
usually do that at 4shared and everything is done.4shared is also useful if you are looking for nice free images. 4shared is one of the biggest photo
sharing sites in the Internet, where you can find plenty of free photos. It’s online photo storage can
always help you to choose the best photo to cheer you up or to suit for your presentation.
Mark, 35 “
I was looking for a convenient tool to create online photo albums and was surprised when
found this amazing feature at 4shared! Here I can not only work with photos, but also have
a large online file storage, so I can upload photos even in the highest quality.”
Emily, 21 “
I love travelling abroad and from every my trip I bring plenty of photos. With 4shared I
always organize them in separate folders which become my photo albums. I upload there just
the best and the most stylish images.”